
Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Speed Up and Maintain Your Computer Speed

Computers affect all of us in some way. For those of us that use them, we have all had a computer "slow down" on us before. What gives? Well, a number of things. Usually however, following the above video along with being frugal over what software you install will almost always keep that pc of yours peppy and tidy!

By using two built-in utilities, Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter, you can ensure all un-needed files are tossed, and keep the files that sit in your computer well organised. This means less "junk" data for your computer to sift through, and keeping your files organised means faster performance (Even if it is only a little better).

If you have an old pc or small (less than 10GB) disk however, make sure you have at least 15% free space before defragmenting. Otherwise, the program will not have the space it needs to do its job the best it can.

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